It’s true that photography is a challenge itself! After all,
a person has to be enough creative to make each image speaking everything about
the event or rather tell a story, right? Whether it’s for a wedding event,
corporate photography, or capturing children. However, in my personal opinion
when it comes to capturing kids it is one of the most meaningful jobs and of
course, you need to be patient while capturing the moving, crying, moody, introvert,
or cute little sleepy kids! Well, I enjoy photo shooting families, teenagers,
wedding couples, and especially naughty and super cute kids and that’s the
reason I take pride to be awarded as one of the best Miami children’s photographer across the globe!
In this article, I’m sharing my personal experience of
capturing little pimpim kids, sounds super exciting, right?
So, what you’re waiting for! Let’s get started!
# First, A boss baby:
I still remember this innocent kid from outside but very
naughty from inside! The baby was the boss of all the moments in the images!
The more I tried to do a staged style photography style every time it all got
vain because the baby kept on moving, running, and doing funny faces and that
when I discovered I need to get the baby with lots of candid images that
clearly tells a story of what the baby actually love to do. Surprisingly! It
was a great success finally! Honestly, I completely enjoyed clicking the little
champ while he was blowing candles, playing with his car, or jumping on the
# Gamer baby:
I know it might sound
a bit weird, well, trust me I came across one such kid who was solely hooked
playing as well as watching games! Therefore, it is very important for you to
first communicate properly with the parents and do your homework and learn
everything about the kid to bring out the best in the images! Back to the
point, make sure to focus on the baby’s face and keep the background simple because
all you want the brightest thing in the image is the face of the baby, however,
this doesn’t apply to every other situation.
# Super cute baby:
In case you’re photographing more than one child simply
apply the twinning method by making them dress the same for a cute baby
picture. I’m sure the parents going to love the concept! Make sure to engage
the children doing some activities while ensuring the composition clear and
creative enough.
# The Model baby:
Posing the little handsome and angels is a total win, win
situation! You can always include parents in the photos, other accessories, use
a pillow for an indoor shoot, or use baskets for an outdoor photoshoot. These
props will surely bring out a model baby picture and create a fun, amazing,
super adorable baby album.
#Bottom line:
Hopefully, the experience and opinion will help
and inspire you! To get the latest updates on photography genres, get in touch
with Kathleen Ballard, the best Miami
Children’s photographer. Visit her official website now!
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